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Fishing in Nepal


Traditionally, Bengalis from Bangladesh and the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura and Assam's Barak Valley have shown intense passion and love for fish. No matter where a Bengali lives, the fish will pull them closer.

Like the Bengali society, fish is also a popular and staple food in several communities of Nepal. Fish farming and fishing both are common among the Tharu, Kewat, Das, Kahar, Mallaha, Lodh, Gaud, Gahar, Kumal, Gupta and Magar communities.


With the growing acceptance of exotic Asian delicacies, such as tempura, sushi and sashimi, the consumption of fish has gradually increased in Nepal.

Now-a-days, fishing has become popular among the people from different communities in Nepal.

Around 186 species of fish are available in the Himalayan waters.

Among these species, the trout, catfish and carp are very common here. Nepal's natural beauty and assorted biodiversity, geography and environment make fishing a truly unforgettable experience.

Nepal is rich in water resources, with a large number of rivers and lakes, which offer fishing opportunities. Besides the Himalayan rivers and lakes, the rivers of the Tarai region offer just as much a rich experience for fishing lovers. In most of the rivers and lakes of Nepal, large eels, catfish, loach, chaguni, mara, baril, chela, kingfish, danio, garra, reba, labeo, murrel and carp (especially Golden Mahseer) are found.

The Betrawati, Indrawati, Seti Karnali, Geruwa, Babai in Bardiya, Chitwan's river unions, Trishuli, Koshi, Dolalghat, on the Kodari Highway, and Pokhara's lakes are some famous fishing areas in the country.

The Seti Karnali River has good fishing spots for real fishing enthusiasts. Different species of fish are found in the Karnali River. Among the several fishes, the Golden Mahseer is valued more than others. Karnali is the perfect place to go for Golden Mahseer fishing. Unfortunately, its numbers are dwindling.

Still do not miss an opportunity to go for a fishing experience in the 315-mile-long Seti Karnali River.

The best season for fishing in Nepal is from October to November and from February to May. If anyone has sufficient time and persistence, then fishing in Nepal could be a very exciting sport. Nepali teenagers, young men and women love to go fishing in the mountain rivers and lakes. There is a lot of excitement and pure joy in it.

Fishes also take the ultimate test of patience. In most of the cases, small fishes can be found. But, everyone is interested in big fish. For a lucky person, sometime a Golden Mahseer with a minimum weight of 10-12 kilos can be caught.

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